Pay Now

Privacy Statement

  • Clicking the “Pay Now” button on this page will direct you to a secure web page provided by First Data® for on-line payment to NPI. The First Data® privacy statement applies to transactions made in this manner. NPI will have no direct access to the Client’s credit card information.
  • If the Client’s agreement with NPI includes provisions for deferred payment (e.g., payment at closing), NPI generally requires that credit card information be provided as backup. This information will be securely kept on file until no longer needed for reference and then destroyed. NPI will perform no electronic transmission of this data. The Client is encouraged to provide this credit card information by hard copy or fax but will accept the information by email if the Client elects to provide it in that manner. Due to the relative lack of security for protecting sensitive information transmitted by email, NPI accepts no responsibility for data that may be obtained by hacking, etc.
  • No Client information will be provided to any third party, unless providing such information is critical to the associated real estate transaction. Under no circumstances will credit card information be provided to any third party.
  • The National Property Inspections website may provide links to other websites that we believe you may find helpful or interesting. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content on those or any other third-party websites.

Refund Policy

  • In the event that a payment for anticipated services has been made and the services cannot be provided due to circumstances created by NPI or its employees or contractors, a full refund will be made.
  • In the event that a payment for anticipated services has been made, any cancellation of those services by the Client or the Client’s authorized representative will be assessed a $20 processing fee. A full refund, less this processing fee, will be made.
  • Any refund requested by the Client related to any Guarantee of Satisfaction described in the pre-inspection agreement will be made in full.
  • NPI will strive to provide refunds within five (5) business days of being notified of the requested refund. However, business or personal circumstances could possibly affect the ability to meet that goal.
  • NPI will strive to provide any refund by the same method that payment was made. If this is not feasible or practical, the refund will be made by check and will be mailed to the address provided by the Client.