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7 Houseplants that Thrive in Low Light

August 7, 2020 |  Home Decor, Just for Fun |  lighting, pets, garden

Just because your home doesn’t have a perfectly sunny spot for plants, doesn’t mean you can’t keep any. Adding greenery to your space is doable no matter how low your lighting is—it’s all about choosing the right plants for the space you have.

Make no mistake: having plants is still a responsibility, even with low-key species. You’ll have to put in a little effort to make it work, like watering and rotating plants and keeping the lights on for a certain amount of time each day. If this doesn’t sound like your cup of tea, the good news is that artificial plants have come a long way, and you’ll still be able to enjoy the look if you want to—without the accountability.


1. Snake Plant
Snake plants have a reputation for being one of the most tolerant species. In fact, you can neglect them for weeks at a time without much visible change or permanent damage (not that we’d recommend doing that). Snake plants survive well in low lighting, only need watered every two to six weeks and they can even improve your home’s indoor air quality by removing toxins.


2. Ivy
Like snake plants, ivy is highly forgiving. This no-fuss houseplant can go weeks without any watering. Ivy is also extremely versatile if you’re all about appearances. It comes in a wide variety of looks and can be planted in hanging baskets, used for topiaries or made into centerpieces.


3. Pothos
Pothos are undemanding and easy to care for, making them one of the best plants for busy folks or beginners. They’re capable of thriving in a variety of environments, including low light, and they can grow in a vase of water or dry soil. Note, though, that pothos are considered poisonous. While not fatally dangerous, children, dogs and cats could become ill from ingesting even a small amount.


4. Dieffenbachia
Also known as dumb cane plants, Dieffenbachia are eye-catching houseplants with bright, hard-to-miss speckled leaves. Dieffenbachia are highly adaptable, performing best in filtered sunlight with little watering needed. Note that the dumb cane gets its name because when its leaves are chewed or eaten, temporary swelling of the tongue and throat can occur and make speech and breathing difficult. It’s best to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets.


5. Philodendron
Philodendrons are a staple in the houseplant world. Just about every indoor gardening enthusiast has one in their collection. The nice thing about philodendrons is that if you know what to look for, you’ll start to pick up on the fact that they’ll tell you exactly what they need using their leaves. Yellowed leaves mean the plant is getting too much light, whereas long stems with several inches between leaves mean it isn’t getting enough light. Philodendrons need bright, indirect sunlight and a moderate amount of water (just look for wilted leaves to know when it’s time) to flourish.


6. Anthurium
The anthurium plant and its hardy red flowers give you the look of a fresh bouquet, only with staying power. These plants only need to be watered once a week in winter and twice a week in summer, and while they do prefer light, they don’t require direct sunlight. Once you find a great location and a proper watering schedule for the anthurium, it should stay perfectly healthy for years to come.


7. Rex Begonia
The first thing people think of when they think of the rex begonia plant is its gorgeous leaves. Though this plant also blooms small flowers, it’s the richly hued, patterned leaves that really steal the show. The rex begonia hates to be overwatered and performs the best in shade. If this sounds like you and your space, this plant will do just fine.


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