Cost Segregation

Cost Segregation for Commercial Property Owners in North Central Vermont

Save on Your Taxes with a Cost Segregation Study from Our Partners at Scarpello Consulting

Cost Segregation is a tax savings tool based on a property's engineering evaluation. Property owners can reduce their income tax liabilities by accelerating their property's depreciation deductions. In providing evidence of your property's condition, you can gain future savings today!

How Do You Qualify For A Cost Segregation Study?
There are a few quick criteria to confirm that you're a great candidate for a Cost Segregation Study:

  • Is the purchase price of your building at least $750,000?
  • Has the property been purchased, constructed, or renovated since 1987?
  • Do you plan to keep the property for the next few years?
  • Do you have a taxable net income?

Scarpello Consulting are skilled tax savings experts, and NPI is happy to partner with their team to provide our clients even greater benefits!

Get a Free Estimate on Your Potential Tax Savings
At NPI, we're here for you before, during, and after your real estate transaction. Contact Scarpello Consulting for a free estimate by submitting the form at the button below, or get in touch with me if you have any questions!