
The Inspector

By NPI, Inc.



What to Do with Your Pets for the Holidays

 December 6, 2021 |  Home Maintenance, Safety, Home Decor, Holiday |  winter, entertaining, pets

The holiday season can be stressful for both yourself and your furry friends. While you’re mired in the whirlwind of throwing the perfect celebration, all those guests in the house, loud noises, and new smells can put animals on edge. Here’s what you can do to keep your pets calm and happy during your holiday festivities.

Create a safe retreat for your pets.
All the hustle and bustle that comes with preparing for a holiday party puts unnecessary stress and anxiety on your animals. Especially as your home fills up with people, it can throw them into overdrive. The best thing you can do is make a private, calm space for your pet. Whether it’s your bedroom or a room on a different floor, try to make it as relaxing as possible. Place their bed and some toys along with their bowls in the room to give some semblance of normalcy. It can also help to let your guests know not to enter the room where your pets are staying. If guests want to visit with your animals, it’s best to have a family member present and to only allow one or two additional people into the room at once.

Keep them out of the kitchen.
It’s no secret that our pets love to try and sneak food when our backs are turned. If you’re hosting a large gathering, all those delicious snacks are too much to resist for a curious critter. As you put your entrees and desserts together, block off the kitchen so your pets can’t sneak in. When you’re not cooking, put any food or ingredients in a secure spot that animals can’t easily access. Some harmful items you should certainly be cautious of leaving out are: 

  • Grapes 
  • Chocolate 
  • Cheese 
  • Raisins 
  • Sugar 
  • Garlic 

Be careful giving your pets table scraps as well, as too much can lead to stomach distress.

Don’t let them destroy your decor.
Bright, shiny objects are another thing most pets can’t keep their paws off. Ornaments, lights, and tinsel grab your pets’ eye, and soon, they’re trying to tear them down and play. While it’s a nuisance for you, it’s a danger for your animals. Broken and shattered decorations can be easily ingested and cut your pet’s paws. To avoid an emergency vet trip, place your decorations in places that they can’t be easily torn down. A locked hutch can make a great holiday display while keeping your animals out. If you’re unsure about a certain decoration, it might be best to leave it in its box.

Ask your veterinarian for advice.
Your vet is always your best resource. They’ll be able to check your pet’s health and let you know how well they’re holding up for your party. They can also prescribe anti-anxiety medication to calm your pet down when things get hectic. They may even give you additional information on what you can do to make things easier for your pet.

Check in on your pet every so often.
As your party goes on, take breaks to check on your pet. It may help to take them outside for a bit and let them decompress from everything going on. Check that they have enough food and water and that they’re adjusting well. Try to play with them in the safety spot you’ve set up to help work out some of their adrenaline. 

The holidays are stressful for humans and animals alike, but taking the time to maintain as much normalcy as possible will help you avoid a disaster.

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