Whether you’re homebuying or selling, pre- or post-inspection, here are a few documents with key information that will simplify your process.
Our comprehensive, easy-to-read reports are emailed to you within 24 hours of the inspection. They include a general summary of the home, a home maintenance checklist and narrative explanations of the condition of the home’s structure, systems and appliances.
Our inspectors document everything they see with a set of high-resolution digital photographs. We’ll be sure to use arrows and on-picture notations to help you spot any issues we may find.
Click here to download a sample NPI inspection report.
An inspection is a necessary component of the homebuying and selling process. To get the most thorough, informative feedback from your inspector, be sure you’re prepared with our Pre-Inspection Checklist.
Click here to download the NPI Pre-Inspection Checklist.
Did your inspector label parts of the home as “Recommend Repair”? Review our comprehensive estimate guide for the average cost of home repairs and upgrades. Ranging from structural problems to carpet cleaning, we’ll give you financial insight to guide you through your repair/remodel journey.
Our guide also provides the average life expectancies for your home’s major components and appliances.
Click here to download the NPI Repair Estimate Guide.