Septic Inspections

About Septic System Inspections In St. Charles County

NPI Greater St. Louis Provides Septic Inspections in St. Louis, St. Charles, O’Fallon, St. Peters, Wentzville, Chesterfield, Maryland Heights, and Surrounding Areas

An assessment of your system for a real estate transaction is required under 19 CSR 20-3.060 which outlines the Missouri Minimum State Standards. Some things to note about septic system inspections:

  1. The State does not recognize the term “Grandfathered In." 
  2. We do not reinspect repairs made by non-licensed contractors. 
  3. We do not warranty tank size, and default to county permits, if on file. 
  4. We do not match current # of bedrooms with the county assessors records. 
  5. We do not inspect septic wiring.
  6. We do not match aerator control boxes to aerators, pumps or controls.

IF THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR SYSTEM (Outside of St. Charles County)
Contact a Septic Installer to bid/perform repairs. They will need a copy of the inspection report.

We will automatically submit septic/well inspection reports to the county with all necessary contact info. The county will be in touch by email regarding any repairs needed.

  1. Following your inspection, you will need an account set up through the SEPTIC PORTAL to view progress: 
  2. A list of repair companies are available through the SEPTIC PORTAL. Through the portal, you'll be able to access your inspection reports, active licensed contractors, and on-site wastewater treatment installers.
  3. All communication is done through the portal, and repair receipts can be uploaded once you click on the blue Permit # link next to the appropriate address.
  4. You can contact STC directly at, or 636-949-7345.
  5. STC will issue the Septic Certificate by email.

NPI Greater St. Louis is happy to help our clients navigate the county septic system requirements. Here are some additional resources to keep your septic system in great shape. Contact our team today with any questions or to book your inspection.